
#TruePrue is my soapbox. I haven’t got to 80 years old without seeing a good bit of life...

– the good, the bad and the damn right terrible and I don’t want to stand by and say nothing. I’ve always been a touch too opinionated and forceful, not to say indiscreet, and though I have tried to moderate my outbursts over the years, I’ve given up now.

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Whether it’s campaigning for Dignity in Dying, the organisation trying to legalise the right to die if you really want to, or advocating prisoners getting a second chance in Clink prison restaurants, or improving food in hospitals, or teaching Home Economics in schools and Universities, I’m happy to have a go. Sometimes it seems to me that old women, sometimes all women, are all expected to listen meekly while men hold forth on things they know nothing about.

But don’t worry, #TruePrue isn’t going to be all strident feminism and outrageous opinions. I’m as likely to celebrate the best chefs in the world (did you know that Clare Smyth of Core Notting Hill has been named Best Woman Chef in the World and Third Best Chef in the World) or chattering about romantic novels, or my struggles with the bloody bindweed choking my roses, or cooking with my grandchildren.

I do hope you will enjoy #TruePrue. Let me know, please.

Awful Offal!

Awful Offal!

What’s the matter with us? Why will we happily eat the shoulder of a sheep or the backside of a steer but not their livers? We nod wisely when adjured...

The Evil Food Loop

The Evil Food Loop

I apologise if I’m telling you stuff you know, but I need to set the scene: we are the third fattest nation in Europe. Only 10% of us cook meals...

Goodbye to my cat!

Goodbye to my cat!

Whenever I show signs of doo-lallyness, like thinking it’s Monday when it’s Sunday or calling my son by the dog’s name, my husband John asks “Vet?”.  It’s partly my fault...

Fish farming

Fish farming

When I say “Scottish Salmon” what do you see? I bet it’s a muscular twenty-pounder flashing up a river, or a silver grilse leaping out of the water for the...

I’ll try anything Once

I’ll try anything Once

When my autobiography, Relish, was published in the UK, I was pleased with the title. It meant to me a relish of life, of family, of travel, of food. I’ve...

Better Dead

Better Dead

  The older I get and the more I see, the more I think that J.B.Priestley got it right in his Better Dead article in 1974. ”The People who pretend...