
Welcome to my product page. I have been really lucky to work with some great brands and thought I would showcase the different ranges here.
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Prue x Kettlewell
I am delighted to be working with Kettlewell. They are masters of colour which makes this partnership perfect as I am on a mission to get people ditch the safe but boring black and beige and add colour to their wardrobes.
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Specs by Prue
I absolutely love my new range of specs. I think of specs as an accessory. I don't feel right without them. I'd rather spend money on glasses (and necklaces!) than on shoes and handbags, which live on the floor!
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Prue by Zsiska
I have been obsessed by necklaces, and to a lesser degree earrings and bangles, all my adult life. Not super grand diamonds but colourful, fun happy-making beads. My collection with Zsiska is just that- Fun!
Prue by Zsiska
Pure Prue
I am on a mission to colour up the world with my Pure Prue homeware range. Vibrant colours merge randomly in my new collection, a selection of melamine plates, bowls and tumblers for every day indoor/outdoor dining.
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Life's too short to stuff a mushroom
My latest cook book - 'Life's Too Short To Stuff A Mushroom' is available to pre-order now. Packed with recipes that are quick and easy to make and very tasty. Alongside the recipes there are some useful kitchen hacks to make life as simple as possible
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The Lost Son
The Lost Son is the final book in the Angelotti chronicles. The Angelotti family reels when the lost son, given up for adoption in the war, traces his birth family and returns to the fold, with devastating consequences.
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