Sardine and Spinach Pate TV Show

Sardine and Spinach Pate

Sardine and Spinach Pate


Prep Time – 10 minutes

Cook Time – 5 minutes


Serves 4


  • 2 cans of sardines in oil
  • Three balls of frozen spinach
  • 80g salted butter


  1. Bring the spinach to the boil in a pan of water. As soon as the spinach has thawed, drain it, rinse it under cold water to cool and then squeeze as much water out if it as you can. Pat dry with kitchen paper.
  2. Blitz with the butter and sardines (and their oil if you want a softer, dip-like texture) and then press into ramekins.

Additional notes

HACK : If you want to keep the pates for a couple of weeks spread the top flat and pour a layer of cool  melted butter on top which when chilled and solid, will form a good seal to keep out the air .

Keep refrigerated.