My NEW Glasses collection
I absolutely love my new range of specs. Even if you don’t wear glasses or would never wear brightly coloured ones, have a look here . They were designed by a team of talented people, including Jane Galpin, Lara, my partner and distributor Mark from MacEyewear, and me. They all understand my love of colour, style and frame shapes. It took forever, but it is so worth it.
I think of specs as an accessory. I don’t feel right without them. There are people, mostly men, who don’t need specs, but wear them anyway, without lenses, for the look of them. I understand that.
I’d rather spend money on glasses (and necklaces!) than on shoes and handbags. I mean, where do your shoes and handbags spend most of their time? Under the table, that’s where. Whereas glasses and necklaces are where people look, bang in their eyeline.
I like to start the day choosing my specs and then pick my outfit to go with them. I confess to owning at least twenty pairs. You shake your head in disbelief? But how many pairs of shoes do you own? How many handbags?
Anyway, have a look at the Mac Eyewear website to see the range.
I hope you like them half as much as I do.