Christmas Ice Cream Pudding
Christmas Ice Cream Pudding is perfect for Leftovers
This is perfect for people who don’t like rich and heavy Christmas pudding. It combines all those flavours with good old-fashioned vanilla ice cream.
And it’s so easy to prepare, you almost feel ashamed to tell people how you made it.
Serves 8-10
1kg (2lb 4oz) vanilla ice cream, softened
225g (8oz) cooked leftover Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, mince pies or
170g (6oz) mincemeat
3tbsp brandy, rum or dark sherry
Silver charms or 20p coins (optional)
A sprig of holly
Put a large empty pudding bowl in the freezer. Soften the ice cream and add
to a bowl. Mix in the crumbled pudding, cake, mince pies or mincemeat, plus your chosen alcohol to taste. Put it in the freezer for around 20 minutes or until almost frozen – you still want it soft, so check it after 10 minutes. Remove the bowl from the freezer and whisk with a fork. If you’re hiding 20p pieces or
charms in the pudding, add them now. Turn the mixture out into the chilled pudding bowl, pressing down to avoid air pockets (you can line it with clingfilm if you wish). Then freeze until you’re ready to serve. To serve, dip the bowl in hot water to loosen the pudding, turn it out onto a serving dish and top with holly.