Party Time
It’s party time!
Not something I hugely look forward to as I’ve got the age when (a) I can’t knock back the booze like I used to and I had feeling muzzy in the morning, (b) I find myself nodding and smiling at someone talking to me in a crowded room, bluffing that I know what we are talking about but not hearing a word, and (c) after half an hour I want somewhere to sit down.
But I do like the chance to dress up. Most women do I think. While men get more casual, spurning ties and jackets if they can, women lust after glamourous dresses they will be lucky to give six outings to in as many years.
I think we should be overdressed if we want to. Last week, I was talking to 100 odd women about my new cookbook, Prue. They’d come to lunch in Gusto in Lytham St Annes. One of them, to the admiration of all of us, turned up in a long satin dress, five inch heels and a massive statement necklace of multi-coloured stones. Brilliant!